Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Where Do Chickens Sleep?

A 2" by 4" or 2" by 2" board works nicely as a roost. You can also use a tree branch measuring between 3" to 6." I used a 2 x 4 and rounded off the edges with a circular saw, and these are working like a champ. This step is not necessary, but I've found that they are able to grip onto the roost better when it's slightly rounded. A view of my roost and walkway leading to the roost is pictured below.

I made sure to place the roosts where the droppings are not in my way when I enter the coop so I don't have to clean it off my shoes after being inside. Chickens seem to like roosting higher in the coop at night, so I positioned mine about 4 feet off the ground. I then constructed a walkway leading up to the roost
. It's basically an 8" wide board which angles up from the floor to the roost with some make shift "steps" nailed on and spaced every 6" or so - something they can use to "grip" onto as they walk up.Depending on the type of coop you build, you may also want to consider positioning the roosts where you can easily clean up the droppings.

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